Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Blog Order Placed by Stephanie

OK Steph, here it is. I am blogging for you.

We are in Woodstock, VA with Dan's sister, Kathleen, husb. Jonathan, and nephews Tyler and Sam. Luke and Amanda are home in Ohio. Tyler's fiance, Katie, is with her fam in Ohio.

This morning, we went to the church Jonathan pastors: Waterbrook Brethren Church in Edinburg, VA. Outside the windows of the sanctuary you are surrounded by mountains. Beautiful. It was very hard to concentrate. I should have concentrated because I did a piano concert in the morning service at Jonathan's request. They opened worship with a Christmas carol and praise songs with Jonathan on guitar, another guy on acoustic bass, and Sam on drums. I loved it. They don't have a piano player right now. Their church is uber-casual. The bass player had on a hoodie and flip flops. Jonathan wears a coat and tie, but I think he was the only one. It is a very friendly congregation. I noticed on thier bulletin they had 88 or so in church last Sunday.

They start worship at9am and have Sunday School afterwards. I was not awake. I am glad we sang and took up the offering before I had to play. zzzzzzzzzzz

We are enjoying being with the family very very much. Tad is being spoiled by his Aunt. He got a replacement helicopter from Walmart yesterday to replace the one that came out of the box broken on Christmas Day. Yay Walmart, it was on clearance for $15!!!! Cheaper than the off brand one that we got him for Christmas. He loves his "havoc heli" and enjoys flying it into the ceiling.

We wanted to see snow but we don't see any in the forecast until the day we leave. We are traveling across the mountains today, though, through Maryland, West Virginia and into PA to see Dan's other sister, Nancy, in a nursing home. This will be the first time Tad sees her since she became paralyzed and we are praying he is ok and doesn't pester her. He loves her very much and we do too. We are going to find a cheap no-tell-mo-tel to stay in overnight and come back to the Dowdy family tomorrow. It should be colder in those mountains so maybe we will find some remnant of snow.

My sister-in-law gave me bear poop for Christmas. It was candy that looked like poop. Does she get me, or what???

I love their house here. Last night we all got on our swimsuits, ran quickly out the door and got into the spa on the back of the house. We looked over the mountains and watched for falling stars. It was an awesome experience. If you got hot, you just had to stand up and instantly you were freezing again. They said it is really neat when it is snowing. Let us all pause now for a moment of prayer that we get to spa in the snow before we have to go back to hot and humid Florida.

We are going to let Tad sled down the grassy hill today. Can you tell we are tourist?

This house is surrounded by farmlands with sheep and cattle. Have you ever been close to a sheep farm? Jesus, lover of my soul, does it stink!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, gotta get off the computer and help with lunch.

Later Stephanie and all my fans.

Oh, it is easy to watch my food here because Kathleen had bypass surgery last year, and she cooks very healthy. Oh, and looks freakin awesome, by the way.

More later with pics.


Saturday, December 20, 2008

go Me

The plan was to sleep in this morning. I prayed that Tad would so I could.

He did. I woke up at 5am. Wide awake. Watched tv til 6. Got a shower, went to the gym and worked out for 1 1/2 hours. Longest I have ever worked out.

Yay me.

It is 9:29. I am going to bed.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Christmas with No Stress

So I had an appointment with the crazy doctor yesterday. We talked about executing the no-stress Christmas. I have a list of things I am going to accomplish.

1] sticking to the budget that Dan and I both agreed upon no matter what we find on sale.
2] not stressing about tradition changes and go with the flow
3] keeping a filter on my mouth when I get stressed out
4] Not feeling guilty about sticking to a budget even if it means doing considerably less for others than I did last year.

How am I doing so far?

1] easier than I thought, yet harder than I thought. I found some really really good bargains on the things Dan and I planned to buy. We had great conversations about budgeting and whether or not to buy for each other. But, re: #4 I do feel very guilty about not being able to do much for some people. I will work through it.

2] I am not directing the handbell choir this semester, so no handbell concert for Christmas. I am not doing a piano concert at my home church this Christmas. I am doing a mini concert in Virginia at my Sis-in-laws church, but I feel good about this one. No pressure situation. My mom is having her big hoo hah this Sunday because she needs to be at Grandma's for Christmas. We are having my dad over Christmas Day so he will not be alone. He can play with Tad's new toys. It will be different, but I am looking forward to the change. Plus, you all know I will call my mom 1000 times on Christmas Day. So will Tad. He is getting the cell phone he wanted.

3] All except asking an idiot to be quiet or leave Sunday night when he was talking through the Adult Choir Christmas Cantata, I think I have done very well with this one.

4] see #1

So I am sitting here staring at the Christmas Tree with all the stuff underneath and remembered that in preparation for Christmas on a Budget 2008 I bought a few things for Tad several months ago and put them in my closet. I just found them and wrapped them all separate so it looks like more presents.

Oh, I worked out today and my legs feel like marshmallows. Great workout.

Keep encouraging my workouts, I need my cheerleaders!!!

Oh, and Pepsi tastes very very nasty to me. I had a little tonight and the first sip was oh so good until I swallowed it. I drank about 5 sips and each one got nastier and nastier. A little bit of me died tonight. I will wear a black ribbon tomorrow to mourn my pepsidom.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

"I do have standards, I just forgot where I put them"

One of my fave blogs is "Stacy from Louisville" . Her blog is subtitled the title of today's blog. It kind of is my day today.

My standards regarding weight loss change minute by minute. Yesterday I got to spend most of the day with my sister-in-law, her husband, her son, and her daughter-in-law. They were down from Virginia and Ohio. I also spent time with my local sis-in-law and her husband. My VA s-i-l had a surgical proceedure 11 months ago to aid in weight loss. She looks freakin fantastic. My local s-i-l has a daughter up north that had the surgery 1 year ago and has lost 160+ pounds so far, if I remember correctly from the fog it instantly put my brain in as I tried to picture her at the new weight.

I have gained 3 pounds since last week. I attributed it to my eating Valerie's brownie pie Friday night, and eating too much of the right stuff the rest of the time this past week. As I started to get in a funk, my trainer, Joe Cool, reminded me about "INCHES not POUNDS"... though I don't know yet how many inches I have lost. My "camel hump" behind my neck on my upper back is smaller. I can feel that. Camel hump. Attractive names we obese people give our fatty deposits. Eww. Just. Eww.

I just watched the Biggest Loser finale. You know, one of the finalist last season is from Titusville. I wonder if she works out at PMC. Probably not, since she is a Wuesthoff Hospital nurse. Anyway, that show makes you jealous of their ablility to have 4 hours of workout in their routine at home. Really now, who can do that???

I still am jealous of their loss.

I am jealous that my s-i-l and neice got to have surgery and I can't. I don't want the exact surgery they had, but still...

I am mad at myself for being jealous.

I want to eat cake, but I ate a salad for a snack instead. Did not taste like chocolate to me at all.

I had chocolate today. I thought I bought a bag of snyders pretzels at 7-11 to go with my sandwich for lunch. I have this obsessive thing I do... I won't take the bag in front, I reach behind for the second bag. When I got back to the church, I blindly opened the bag and reached in. It felt funny. I looked and I had a bag of snyders pretzels DIPPED IN HERSHEY'S CHOCOLATE!!!!!! Now, I could have had 7 of them, been satisfied, and not been in trouble at all. Nope. Ate the whole dang bag. Felt sick all afternoon. I ate 500 calories of pretzels and chocolate today. It was the size of a small potato chip bag, and it was 500 calories!! I ate it.

I can kick myself in the head about it and give up, or just try again tomorrow.

I will try again tomorrow. Glad I see my crazy doc tomorrow. Maybe he can provide some insight. Hmmm...

Going to sleep now.


Saturday, December 13, 2008

Words of Excercise Wisdom

DO NOT... I repeat... DO NOT eat salsa for lunch and two hours later have a fitness training session with Joe Cool. Specifically, the Elliptical machine. You will see your salsa twice.

Today we added Workout C. It has bicep and triceps stuff in it. I may not be able to move in the morning. This will cause complications when the congregation sings and I cannot lift my arms and hands to the piano keyboard.

There are times that I know I am going to be featured on video at the employee christmas party at the fitness center... in the blooper reel.

we partied like it was 1999

Last night was our Sunday School Christmas party. We had it catered from Pumpernickel's. Chicken Hunter, Au Gratin Potatoes, Green Beans... Amy brought Salad, June brought Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars, and Valarie, God bless that woman, brought Brownie Pie.

I was NOT on my diet last night. I planned for two weeks to be off last night just for Valarie's dessert. She baked a pan of brownies. On top of that she put a layer of chocolate frosting with nuts, on top of that banana pudding, on top of that a layer of cool whip, and on top of that sliced bananas. Never in my life have I liked anything containing banana pudding. I ate two servings of it. I would have had three- I was planning on having one last serving for breakfast today- but some gremlin ate the rest in the middle of the night. I think the gremlin's name was Dan.

So today, back on the diet. I have an appointment with Joe Cool at 2pm today for an hour session in the gym. I need to double my cardio today to work off last night, I am sure.

We should have done the gift exchange this year. For some reason we decided not to do it. We are now planning a Christmas in July party to do an exchange then. It was fun visiting with everyone last night. I got my baby fix holding Valarie and Joseph's son, Joseph Jr. - he is the most cuddly baby I have ever been around. He snuggles up against you and smiles and drools. I think he is working on a tooth. Dan held him for a very long time. He kind of looks like Dan. Joseph is going to have red hair. Makes me realize that wanting to give birth is a feeling I am never ever going to be able to shake. I love my son Tad, but still want to have a baby from infancy. Maybe one day I will be one of those moms with a 18 year old and an 8 month old. That would be so cool.

Not being able to give birth can really mess with your head.

Gotta go get dressed now and stop watching Shawshank Redemption. I have it memorized, don't know why I watch it over and over.

Later my peeps.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A Day of Sadness

So today we took Tad to his first funeral. It was very sad. Tad wanted to approach the casket before the service started and I took him up to the body. Dan just couldn't do it and saved our seats. Tad looked at Zach's body, asked a few appropriate questions, then he patted Zach on the chest and said, "goodbye Zach. You are my friend and I love you." Then we both cried. I walked him to our seats where he buried his head in Dan's chest and cried some more.

They showed a power point thing at the beginning of the service. It smacked me and Dan in the face with fear. There is Zach with Thomas the Tank Engine, Zach doing crafts, Zach loving butterflies, Zach in a suit going to his first dance, Zach wearing beads around his neck... so many things were similar to Tad's likes and dislikes. As Dan and I comforted Tad after the funeral when Tad asked again if he was going to die the next time he has a seizure like Zach did... "no, Tad, you won't die"... our hearts were crying out "OH MY GOSH, THAT COULD BE US, WHAT IF TAD DIES"

Tad is not going to die from his seizures. They are well under control. He has an implant and medication. He is fine.

Keep telling ourselves that. He is fine.

I cannot live without him. He is fine.

On a happier note... thanks to all who read my blog and offer words of support and encouragement.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Biggest Loser

As I sit here watching The Biggest Loser finale, I will blog about my 4 week weigh in today. I was not happy. I cannot seem to focus on the inches rather than the numbers like I am supposed to do. I lost 4.6 pounds in 4 weeks. I wish it was three times that amount. I am a little down about that today. I am going to have to work with my trainer to find cardio that will be less painful with all this fatness on me so I can do cardio LONGER each session which will drop the fat quicker.

Tomorrow, we are taking Tad to his first funeral. Sad stuff. But he needs to say goodbye to his friend, Zach.

Oh, and I did try to sleep with him last night. When he finally figured out I wasn't leaving his bed, he kicked me out. So, I just checked on him a few times during the night to make sure he was still breathing. ... because I am obsessive like that.

Tomorrow, after funeral before church: lots of cardio. I may arrive stinky to AWANA. Oh well.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Sad and Scary

Today I took Tad to get his haircut. You are not required to get a haircut in order to have an EEG done. However, as a mommy of someone who doesn't have patience in getting his hair clean: when the neurologist office is going to cement leads to your child's head... many, many leads, you want an easy cleanup. Long hair is not easy.

So off we went to fantastic Sam's.

After his haircut, he got dark all the sudden. "Mommy, my friend Zach died this weekend. He had a seizure. He is with Jesus now. God said, 'Enough, get on up here with me, Zach'. So Zach obeyed God. I am sad, but I do not need to cry."

After I verified the facts, which of course Tad had down perfectly, I got scared. Zach and Tad have gone to school together long before Tad ever came into our lives. Since a pre-k program for autistic kids. Zach could not speak, but could communicate very well with sign language and in other ways. When we enrolled Tad in Coquina Elementary after we brought him to our home, Zach soon followed. When Tad arrived at THS after a stint at Fieldston, Zach was there too. Zach went to live with his Dad and they haven't been together for about a year I guess.

If Tad thinks that he is sleeping without me by his side tonight, he has another thing coming. Every time he moves, I will be checking to see if he is ok. Tad's seizures are very very stable. But it is hard not to freak out as a mommy and think my child could be one bad one away from death.

Scares me. A lot.


I am doing an end-of-the-day, nothing-going-on-at-work blog. There are exactly 26 minutes left to my workday.

It was so slow, I already changed into my workout garb. No Jane Fonda outfits here, no no, just shorts, Team Impact t-shirt and tennies.

I reached down to scratch the top of my knee and KABLAMMO! I had the most gut-wrenching pain in my lower right abdomen! It doubled me over, I was kind of stuck in that position for about a minute and a half while I waited for it to stop. I was moaning in pain. I have no idea what it was. It went as quickly as it came. I walked down the hallway and back again. No problems. Now.. it is slowly creeping back. What the heck?!?

Today is just a cardio day. No weights. I am going to the gym and do the treadmill. If it happens again, I'll get it checked out. Wow, made me break out into a sweat!!

I know what it is. I've been waiting for my body to go on strike against this new thing called "excercise" that it was not used to at all. Maybe my body's union finally said it needed to go on strike. Hmmm.

Oh well.

I found out yesterday while working out that if I read while on the treadmill, the time just flies by. I am reading Valerie Bertanelli's (sp?) book about her life journey and weight loss. Since I was made when she married Eddie Van Halen and took him away from me, I have decided to forgive her and read her book. They are divorced, after all. I always wanted a kid named "Wolfgang" too, but no, she and Eddie had to steal that one from me.

Interesting book. A few bad words that I never thought she had in her vocabulary (don't know why I thought that, but I did), but all in all a good read so far. I'm sure I will finish it today. Next on the treadmill reading list I plan to re-read Wayne Stahre's book (available on called "Flower: A Story of the Nativity"... Don't shoot me if I just flubbed up the title, but I think that is right. You can search for him on Amazon by author name anyway.

Great guy. Great book. Check it out for yourself. He rocks a book signing too.

Only 7 minutes have passed. *sigh*

Tommy Merrill, another good egg, is downstairs using chemicals to clean up some major glue residue in the fellowship hall. Maybe I will go keep him company until it is time to leave.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

grace and mercy

Today is saturday. Well, it is only going to be Saturday for about an hour or so. Let me tell you about today.

Today I won. Even in my losses I won.

I battled with my stupid depression today. Lost some of the battles, but I did not eat my way through them, nor did I share the misery with my family. I battled alone today, which most times is not smart, but today I knew I could handle it on my own. I did not eat through it, which is a major triumph.

Went to Merritt Island today with Tad to a book signing our friend was having at Barnes and Nobles. It was fun to see him there all official and everything. Can't tell you more than that or it might give away Christmas secrets.

On the way home, Tad wanted to stop at Dairy Queen. Normally, I would be turning in before he even asked. Today, I said no. We stopped for gas because it was $1.65, and got a better snack there that didn't sabatoge my eating plan. I won there.

I lost later when Tad wanted McDonalds fries and I bought him a large and I got a small for myself. Ate it like a madman. Didn't need it, was not hungry, but ate it all. However, it was a small, and before all this I would have gotten a large... with a coke and burger to wash it down.
No coke today, no burger. Just hi quality H2O. I won there too.

I made mistakes today. But I am forgiven. I am not eating through them. I will be cleansed by forgiveness, mercy and grace.

Mercy and grace. I am leaning towards those tats.

I plan on eating off the meal plan on Friday night. Gotta have Valeries brownie dessert creation. It will be ok. Portions. That is what makes it ok. Portions. And not eating it 7 days a week.

I miss salt. I miss salt more than chocolate ice cream. I miss my pepsi too. Wow, that stuff must have crack in it because I really really really crave pepsi.

Had mostly water for 3 weeks now, with an occaisonal orange juice and milk. Yay me.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Yay yay it's Friday

So, I would have taken a picture of the box of Lean Pockets that I ate for lunch, but I just didn't have the energy. Point is, I ate it. And actually, I am full and satisfied. A relatively new feeling for me.
I never recall ever feeling full before. I noticed it last night. Dan and I had respite care last night at the house with Tad, so we went to buy Angel Tree gifts for his work project. We stopped at Sonny's to eat and both ordered the Salad Bar. This was post-workout for me, so I was a little tired.
I made one trip to the salad bar and was full after I ate everything. Full. I felt it. I stopped eating. I made the waitress take the other plates. I wanted more. But I didn't eat it.
Before our evening started: on the way home from work I was feeling really awful. My body hurt from head to toe, and I felt like I was starting to get an ear infection. It was one of those feelings that you know if you go home, take a warm bath and crawl into bed you will feel much better. I told Dan I was going to use yesterday as my day off of the gym. He said, "are you sure? " and then "ok". So by the time I got home, I said that I would go to the gym and just do the strength training. No cardio.
I got there and it was pretty empty. I stretched out, did my strength training and had 15 minutes to spare before I went home. I decided to get in at least 15 minutes of cardio before I left. I was feeling better. So I did my treadmill and stretched out before I went to the grocery store and home. Boy was I tired last night after we got back from shopping! I went to bed, struggled to stay awake during "Grey's Anatomy" and fell asleep.
Speaking of "Grey's" ... they annoyed me last night with the story lines. Nuff said. Still one of my fave shows.
I have been out every night this week except for Monday night, so tonight after my gym visit, I am going to stay home and finish decorating my trees and house. Tomorrow Tad wants us to take him to see Santa.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

crap crap crap

Today I am depressed. The next song I compose will happen today and it will be called "The Crap of Life". I'm gonna copyright that, so no stealing!

Last night was the big post-Thanksgiving weigh in. I only lost 2 pounds. I would have bent over and picked up the scales to throw them, but Joe Cool had put me through more nazi torture devices for an entire hour before the weigh in.

Joe Cool says that I should not focus on the scales, but on my measurements. He is not going to remeasure me until after my four weeks with him. Two stinkin pounds. Two. Dos. AAAAAARGH!!!!!!

I feel like Charlie Brown being tempted by the football... I want to kick a field goal, I attend all the practices, I suit up and POW- the football is jerked away and I lost two measly pounds this past week.

Enough of that.

So, Joe Cool taught me my next strength training routine, a/k/a "Workout B". I'm sure they video taped it to use at the staff Christmas party for spit-n-giggles. There was this machine that some male sicko gynecologist invented, and right behind it was its twin. I swear, I cannot feel anything but pain in my thighs today. That's all I'm gonna say about that.

I'm gonna do cardio today before AWANA, then switch back to "Workout A" tomorrow. So I won't see Workout B again until Saturday. I should be in traction by then.

Today for lunch I ate low fat, low calorie, high sodium lasagna. It tasted like the box. Remember in school when we had pizza? Remember the pizza slices that were rectangular and you had to stack 3 inches of napkins on top to soak up the grease before you could pick it up and eat it? Then you could fling the napkin stack on the ceiling of the cafeteria and it would stick?? Remember? Was it just me? Remember the Naaaaaaaaaaasty little tiny seeds that were on it, some kind of spice, that would jab you in the gums between your molars and you would bleed? Remember?? Well, on this box-tasting-lasagna there was a plethora of those crappy seed thingies.

They look like miniature teeny tiny marijuana seeds. They taste like gym socks.

Hey, I watch COPS, I attended public school, I've seen my share of pot seeds.

I'm just sayin... it was nasty stuff.

But I'm full.

I almost chewed a piece of the box so I could compare the two. But I didn't.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

It's all in the presentation....

My lunch today could have a hotdog or hamburger and fries in this little red basket that I found on top of the refrigerator in the church kitchen. But, alas, it contains my Kashi chicken crap with zucchini, squash, red peppers and some type of marinara-like substance. Low cal, Low salt, Low sat. fat, Low taste.


In other news, did I tell you all that tonight is weigh in night? If I didn't loose weight this past week, I will throw the scales at someone. That is what the support group is for, right? To catch the scales I throw? Do you think security will escort me off the property?? I want Joe Cool to re-measure me because I have lost inches in my abdomen, I can feel it in my pants.

Stop snickering, you weird people. Stop it now.

More Thanksgiving Pics

Tad Napping
Dan and Tad, the Showdown in the Backyard

Uncle Jimmy and Grandma

Daddy, Mother behind him, Aunt Sarah, Uncle Herbie and Tad

Dan and Me

The Cake

The food

More Food

Thanksgiving and More

So we went to Grandma's house in Waycross, GA for turkey day. My brother bailed at the last minute because he couldn't get off work until late Wednesday and told us not to wait for him. Dan, Tad and I left Wed. afternoon to drive up to Waycross.

I did not take the time to go to the gym before picking Tad up from school, then I let time get away from me, so Wednesday was one of my off days.

I drove because Dan was very tired from not sleeping much the night before... or that was his excuse.. ha... and the traffic was steady but not too bad. I probably went too fast, but I wanted to get to my Grandma as fast as I could. I wanted to spend every minute I could with her.

We got stopped by the Georgia Smokies and local police in a little bump-in-the-road town just north of the border, but so did everyone else. It was a DUI stop. We passed... in case you were wondering.

When we got to Grandma's we found my mother had been cooking for two days. See the pics below. I actually did very well eating. I did eat two pieces of the six layer chocolate cake Uncle Herbie and Aunt Sarah brought, one Thursday and one Friday.

I went walking Wednesday night and walked around Grandma's block twice (it is a big block) and Thursday Aunt Sarah went with me. I only made it around once Thursday. Friday was a travelling day, but Saturday I was back at the gym.

I found out over the holidays that I walk much, much farther and faster when I am on a treadmill than when out in nature. I also amped up my walking speed since I have been home. I was walking on the treadmill, top speed at the rate of "Popular" from the Broadway show "Wicked". Now I am warming up at the speed of "Seasons of Love" from "Rent" and then kicking it up faster after a 10 minute warm up.

On my cell phone's .mp3 I have my workout playlists. The most popular one has Billy Joel, Harry Connick, Jr., Blue Man Group, songs from Wicked and Rent, and of course, the amazing Captain and Tennille. Hey, I can get to walkin' to some Cap'n! Ok, stop laughing. It's not Muskrat Love, but Love that will keep us together, people!! Sometimes I wonder if I am blasting it so loud that my neighbors on the treadmills can hear my earphones, but then no, they can't because they aren't laughing hysterically.

Another observation from Thanksgiving: Uncle Jimmy's daughter, Denise, has lost over 60 pounds. I know this because I was reminded of it no less than 20 times by various family members. They must have thought I would jump at the competition. Denise is one month younger than I am. I have never, ever felt competitive with her. Whooptie-freakin'-do, Denise has lost weight. Good for her. This is not a blog about her, but about me. It's all about my choices. Denise didn't force donuts into me. I did. I love Denise. Yaaay Denise. Now stop telling me about her, because while I love her, I have to focus on myself.

Now, if you had told me my cousin KAREN had lost weight... well then, fights on sister!

I did get encouragement from my family while I was there. And I had a blast with Dan and Tad. Tad played and played out in Grandma's backyard. He built an Indian fort. He used his imagination more than he ever has. It was really fun. He played so hard that he took a nap on Grandma's couch in the living room.

I love my Grandma more than anything. She means the world to me. It is very hard to watch her be in pain and be confused. She repeats herself now. A whole lot. And she is hurting. It breaks my heart. I cannot put into words how much love I have for her. She really makes each grandchild feel like we are the "favorite grandchild". All 12 of us, plus our spouses. She loves us no matter what we do. And oh, man, does she love the great-grandchildren. She loves us so much that she prays for each of us. She is very worried about my sister, Bonnie and her pregnancy. She wants to see that baby so badly. I tried to convince her that Bonnie was very much doing fantastic, and that time was on her side now. She is still worried. That's ok, though, that means she will pray that much harder for Bonnie and Alivia, and Jason. They need all the prayers they can get. I joke with her that I know I am her fave because I am named after her. She just laughs and lets me keep thinking that. I wish I could see her every day.

So, Thanksgiving is over. I am still thankful. I am going to meet with Joe Cool, my trainer, tonight for another round of "Let's Turn Becki Into a Pretzel- Part Deux". I am going to see if he can teach me how to use the other modes of cardio without killing myself, so I don't get bored with treading the mill. I need to bring my cable to work to put more songs on my phone that I have on my computer at work. I love Harry C. Jr, but Frosty the Snowman is starting to irritate.

Oh, I have more to share that is non-thanksgiving and non-exercise related that is exciting... more later.